Saturday, March 9, 2013

Measuring Internet Speed of Your Broadband

You have an internet connection at home or at your office and you are concerned about the speed of you broadband connection then you surely need some speed test tools through which you can check and verify its speed. If you found out that the speed you are getting is not the one which is promised, you must have to complain about the problem to your service provider.
            Speed is of great importance to any one when it comes to accessing the World Wide Web. The first thing customers like is fast gadgets. Gadgets like computers, laptops, mobile phones and other electronic devices. These gadgets and everything goes faster than what you experienced a decade ago when these devices were not so fast. So when it comes to the internet you expect your service provider to provide a high quality high speed internet. But when you experience slow downloads, slows streaming and uploads then you need to test your internet connection speed because when you are applying for a high speed internet package you expects that the features are guaranteed to real and you will be getting the real speed.
            When you experience some problems relating your internet speed and you want to make sure what speed you are getting for real. You need to test it with speed test tools available on the internet for free. Just search for Speed Test Ptcl and run it. With this tool provided to you for free by you can easily check you download, upload and ping test within a minute. Try this and at least run speed test twice and for better result test your speed on different day times see the difference clearly.  

Other internet Speed test related articles mentioned below which are quite helpful and informative.

Broadband Speed Testing Introduction.


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