Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Handle Your Baby With Care

You must have seen this caution sentence on many items in particular on the boxes which contains glassware items. 'Handle with care' and you will never lose those expensive and delicate beloved glasses of yours. In case of babies it’s understood.

The reason of equipping your child with Baby Games owes much to this ideology. In this case the parents are keen to take care of the every stage of their little angel's development. Speaking in context with the body care that too should not be neglected.

Most people are unaware that babies actually have a baby soft spot on the top of the head which is diamond or kite shaped (anterior fontanel) and another one at the back of the head which is triangular (posterior fontanel).

This information might be new to you but it's worth remembering. After all it's the matter of life and death. Who among us don't want our child to be a genius? The answer is given by our efforts to employ the best Puzzle Games available to our beloved ones. The uses of mind games no doubt makes the mind sharper but more important is the protection of that very mind.

You must know that a newborn soft spot exists where the skull has not completely closed at birth. The anterior fontanel is generally about two inches wide and can remain to some degree until the baby is around eighteen months of age. The posterior fontanel is only half an inch wide and closes relatively quickly between the ages of six to twelve weeks. Hence it would be wise if you handle your baby with care.


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